Marion United Methodist Church

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Marion, Kentucky, United States
Never blame a legislative body for not doing something. When they do nothing, they don't hurt anybody. When they do something is when they become dangerous............. -- Will Rogers

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I don't mean to diminish what parents of the last child going off to college are feeling, but I've felt maybe .0001% of what those parents feel -- I took my Bobcat to the Nashville airport yesterday (7-29-09). While Pat Murphy and I seldom crossed paths, the house really felt empty last night, knowing that nobody was going to be coming in at 10:30 pm, or even 1:30 am from an away game. I've tried to analyze it ... haven't come up with much. It does drive home the fact that we're meant to live in community, and I think I've lost ground in coping with living alone. Also, I'm the same age as Pat's dad, so maybe there was just a bit of a sense of having a "child" at home, and now that's gone.

.....I've always thought I've been interested/concerned about what parents of college-bound kids feel when school starts. I think I may have just a tad more understanding for what you feel. Sure, my "child" was only home 10 weeks, compared to 17-18 years. But, hey, you probably welcome any bit of understanding, right? So parents, we'll be praying for you with a special focus in these next few weeks and months. Rest assured -- you've done a good job; God can redeem even what you fear were failures in your parenting; you're entrusting your kids to God, not to the college faculty and staff (no matter how good they are), and therein must lie your/our peace. But, if you need an extra hug, or a listening ear, just come and tell me you miss your "baby," and I'll be there!
"Empty-Nester" Wayne

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