Marion United Methodist Church

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Marion, Kentucky, United States
Never blame a legislative body for not doing something. When they do nothing, they don't hurt anybody. When they do something is when they become dangerous............. -- Will Rogers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Man of Few Words

Says Stephen Fried: They say Eskimos have a hundred words for snow. But that's nothing. Husbands have one word that can mean at least a hundred things.
That word is uh-huh.
It's a simple five-letter word that has led to more marital four-letter words than any other. Wives know that if their husbands could, they probably would respond "uh-huh" to every sentence spoken to them. And because "uh-huh" can basically be defined as any variant of "yes," "maybe," or "are you talking to me?" wives never know what we really mean.
I'm thinking this could be why the law always insisted that, at weddings, we come right out and clearly say, "I do."

Fellows, does your style of communicating give the lie to Mr. Fried's observation? I hope so! WG

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